Diaspora Kenyans continue to join Dr. Endege in the effort to open a medicine and vaccines plant at Diaspora University Town in Kenya. In 2020 after COVID outbreak, Diaspora Kenyans would come up with a plan based on a newly built and equipped facility in Athi River by a company from Bangladesh at $25 million. A Ksh 2 billion budget for building and equipping was set up and broken into 10,000 investments of Ksh 200,000.


Two hundred and sixteen (216) Diaspora Kenyans and Kenyans have so far taken up 440 investments.  The Diaspora Kenyans and Kenyans are today joining Dr. Endege and asking their fellow Diaspora Kenyans to commit $35 a unit. The goal is to have all the investments taken and the building of the first medicine and vaccine plant built by Kenyans started at Diaspora University Town.


The investment plan is set in a way that a Diaspora Kenyan who earns over $25,000 and appreciates the U.S. medical system that is anchored on medicines and vaccines can be part of the investment and put in Ksh 4,449 (about $35) a month for one unit through a DUT Credit Ltd loan for 60 months.  There is no upper limit of the investment units one can take. The only limitation is the completion of uptake of the 10,000 units.


Once the 10,000 investments are made, Daktari Biotechnology Ltd building and equipment construction loan will be achieved based on the 11 acres land, the 10,000 investments, monthly cash inflows from investors, the building design drawings and other requirements.

Architect Prof. David Ogoli of Riverside, CA the designer of the plant and his engineering team will then construct the 3 story building he has designed.

As the building construction progresses, Dr. Endege and his science team will progress the product's clinical trials in Kenya. When the building is completed the scientists will transfer the pharmaceutical work they are progressing in Boston, MA and other locations in the U.S, to Kenya.


Those who take up the investments will after a short period of time start to make dividends income as the company starts generating revenue. Dividends will start to be issued from the revenue. If by month 40 a divided id issued the dividend could be part of paying the 41st to 60th loan repayment instalment.

The goal is to grow the revenue of the company and get to Ksh 20 billion products sale income with 30%, about Ksh 6 billion, as the return for the capital investors. The company valuation would be about Ksh 60 billion based on the revenue and profit.


The investment of Ksh 200,000 would at this point be making Ksh 150,000 dividend income from the Ksh 6 billion. The investment of Ksh 200,000 would have a valuation of Ksh 1.5 million in the Ksh 60 billion.

Diaspora Kenyans and Kenyans who can put in Ksh 4,449 ($35) an investment will not only be producing medicines and vaccines that benefit their loved ones in Kenya, but will over the years earn dividends income. They will also pass their share capital and earnings to their descendants just like has happened with other companies.

In 1849, 175 years ago, Pfizer, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation, would be founded. The company produces medicines and vaccines for immunology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and neurology. In 2023 the company revenue was $58.5 billion. Its vaccine COVID-19 vaccine sales were $11 billion. Its net income was $2 billion. The founders may have long gone but the company continues to generate revenue and profits from the revenue. The profits pay the shareholders. Many of these shareholders today inherited the shares.
